In the cleaning business, one of the major concerns is how to get more customers. Nowadays, there are many cleaning businesses around, and competition became tighter and tighter. Every cleaning business has their own strategy and discounts to give to potential leads and customers. If you are plan on starting a cleaning business by franchise or by yourself, expect that you will encounter this major concern. If having a customer is a major challenge, how can you grow your business.
In this article, we have some snippets of our interview with the owner of He shed some light on how he started his cleaning business and how he is growing his business. Here are some of the pointers we learned.
Focus on a specific need.
Nowadays, most cleaning business is a jack of all trades. The cleaning business is vast and wide. We have window cleaning, carpet cleaning, janitorial services, office cleaning, residential cleaning, maid services, and many more. Also, we have additional services like maintenance, and repairs. If you try to position yourself as doing all of these, and your company is still very small, it will be hard to present yourself as the expert. Not only that, it is also hard to specialize. If you are in a city of more than 200,000 in population, it is sure that somebody needs something all the time. So if you are the expert in a specific niche in the cleaning business, customers will recognize you. It is why we established ourselves in the grout cleaning services which has lots of demands these days.
Maximizing what we have Today.
Before, we have radio advertisement and television advertisement. Today, Internet Marketing is big even for cleaning business. The reason why we know that there is a demand for grout cleaning is because statistics has it. For a small cleaning company like us, it is not easy to get statistics and data we can use for television and radio advertisement. Investing in them is like punching in the air if we don’t have the right statistics. But with Internet Marketing, the data we gathered is solid. We looked at search engine data that are actually free, and we found that there was a growing trend of people searching for grout cleaning services. That is the very reason we positioned ourselves as grout cleaning service expert of Chicago.
Customers are not always right.
As a business owner, you are the major factor in growing your business not your customers. There is a tendency to follow the whims and tantrums of your customer. Learn to impose policies to your clients. Fire them if they don’t cooperate. Position yourself as the prize. Make them feel that they are the one who needs you and not the other way around.
Well, those are the most valuable insights we gained from the interview. They are a real gem in doing business. I hope you can contextualize it to grow your business. You can check their website here.